File your PDFs properly and easily: Just hole-punch it like regular paper!

3 reasons how can help you:

Proven analog* solution for the paperless office.

For all common formats (2-4 holes, US & ISO), up to 20 pages.

Many satisfied users. And the best: It's secure and free!

* Emulating the analog process using modern digital technique.

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(20 pages / 5 MB maximum)
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To find out if the PDF hole-punch keeps its promise, just upload a PDF document and punch! Free of charge and no strings attatched.
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Now some information and recommendations for your daily office work. Have fun!


A hole punch (known also as a holing pincer, hole puncher, hole maker, or most commonly as a perforator or paper puncher) is a common office tool that is used to create holes in sheets of paper, often for the purpose of collecting the sheets in a binder or folder. More information

PDF files

Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. Each PDF file encapsulates a complete description of a fixed-layout flat document, including the text, fonts, graphics and other information needed to display it. More information


Grafik und Gestaltung

Mediengestaltung von A bis Z verständlich erklärt (Galileo Design) Die 2. Auflage des Standardwerks – für alle, die jetzt noch besser gestalten wollen! Der Grafikdesigner und Fotograf Markus Wäger führt Sie in diesem Buch auf über 600 Seiten in die Welt der Gestaltung ein. Er erklärt Ihnen, wie Sie mit Formen, Farben, Typografie und Bildern ein perfektes Ergebnis erreichen – sei es nun eine einfache Visitenkarte oder das Layout für ein ganzes Magazin.


Confetti are small pieces or streamers of paper, mylar, or metallic material which are usually thrown at parades, sporting team winners, and celebrations, especially weddings. The origins are from the Latin confectum, with confetti the plural of Italian confetto, small sweet. More information


Are you really serious? The idea for the PDF hole-punch originated from a beer buzz. While having an after-work drink with my colleague Robert he suggested that some people might need a PDF hole-punch. The very same people who print out the internet, store e-mails in a folder, and send pictures as a Word document. PDF hole-punch is for you guys! Thanks for this brilliant idea, Robert. The next beer is on me!

Implementation: This service uses the free PHP class FPDF. The following example code demonstrates the loading of a source PDF "input.pdf", insertion of an image "holes.png" at position ($x, $y) per page, and saving the resulting file as "output.pdf":

$pdf = new FPDI();
$num = $pdf->setSourceFile('input.pdf');
for ($cnt = 1; $cnt <= $num; $cnt++) {
	$tpl = $pdf->importPage($cnt);
	$pdf->useTemplate($tpl, null, null, 0, 0, true);
	$pdf->Image('holes.png', $x, $y);
$pdf->Output('output.pdf', 'F');

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